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+55 11 4780-3794 |


The Persevera Compass Investment Fund is available on major investment platforms and distributors.

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The Persevera Compass FIC FIM fund is available on the platforms below.

Access your account and start investing!


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If you do not have an account on any of the platforms listed please contact the Persevera team!

Thank you for the contact!

+55 11 4780-3794 |

Juscelino Kubistchek Ave., 1455 - 3rd Floor

Itaim Bibi - 04543-011 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil

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This website was developed by Persevera Gestão de Recursos Ltda. (“Persevera”) and is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute a service offer by Persevera or the sale of shares in funds managed by Persevera. Persevera does not sell or distribute shares in investment funds or any other financial asset. To assess the performance of any investment fund, an analysis of a period of at least 12 (twelve) months is recommended. Investment funds are not guaranteed by Persevera, any of its affiliates, any insurance mechanism, or even by the Credit Guarantee Fund - FGC. The funds managed by Persevera use derivative strategies as an integral part of its investment policy. Such strategies, as they are adopted, can result in significant equity losses for its shareholders. The information contained in this website does not constitute an opinion or recommendation, legal or otherwise, by Persevera, and does not take into account the particular situation of any person. The use of the information contained herein will be exclusively at the user's own risk. Before making any decision about their investments, Persevera recommends that the interested party consult a specialized professional and also carefully read the prospectuses, regulations and the essential information sheets of the investment funds.


© 2018 Persevera Gestão de Recursos Ltda. - All rights reserved

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